Tater Tot Nachos

Sometimes blogs die. We’ve all seen it, a blog posts regularly, then semi-regularly, then nothing. The blog basically ghosts the Internet. It wasn’t our intention to ghost you, Internet. But, and I mean this in the best possible way, there are very rare times in our lives when real life supersedes Internet life. I know, I’m sorry. I have ridiculous expectations about the IRL world, which from now on will always come second to you, Internet.

But legitimately, life gets intense sometimes. Maybe you and your S.O. of almost 10 years are in couples counseling because, among other things, you need to get on the same page about whether you’re going to let your S.O. have unprotected sex with you so you can bear his spawn. That’s an example. Totally made up.

But if it were true, it would be a pretty emotionally intense time. And it’s a weird thing to share with friends because most people fall into the camp of knowing whether or not they want kids and also not having weird hang ups about marriage. Most people also give you a very distinct, frightened look when you mention you’re in couples counseling. So you learn not to talk about it. Except with the one couple you are friends with who are also in couple’s counseling. Then it’s cool to talk about it.

And this kind of life shit also falls into the category of “too intense to talk about at work.” So work starts being a place where you feel like you’re on edge, intentionally hiding the important, intense shit in your life right now even though you’ve known your colleagues for years. And in this scenario, which is still totally an example, you work in mental health so almost everyone is a therapist. Therapists still give you the freaked-out eyes if you say you’re in couple’s counseling. They are totally fine with you being in individual therapy, but once it’s couple’s therapy they have the same look everyone else has if you say anything.

So you go dark on the blog for a while. Your blog partner has a lot going on in her life too, since she and her S.O. already created crotch-fruit, and that is apparently something that takes up a lot of your time. So you think about coming back to the blog, but it’s been months by now, so would it be weird? And would it be weird if you wanted to come back today and then ghost again for a while?

Well, fuck it. It’s my blog so I’m going to do what I want. And by do what I want I mean eat what I want. Which is the ultimate comfort/hangover food. It’s what you need when you are doing a clean-eating challenge with work friends and you assume that all carbs are “approved” until you are otherwise informed. It’s what you need because the holiday season wrapped up but you’re still drinking like you might have to see your family twice in one week.

Showing off how I’m amazing at spreading out tater tots in the pan

A disclosure: as you may remember, I don’t keep food in my fridge. So… I actually went shopping for this recipe. I couldn’t find a bra so I was wearing a bikini top under a t-shirt that I pulled out of my dirty laundry pile. Really bringing it. Crushing my mid-30’s.

This recipe is basically my late New Year’s gift to the internet. Because I love you, Internet, you global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities. (I was trying to talk sexy there, did it work?) No? Ok! Let’s get to it!

Just casually sprinkling some cheese

Tater Tot Nachos:

Take some tater tots and bake as directed (I used about a ½ bag)

Rinse a can of black beans (bonus if you get black beans that are cooked in kombu which makes them less likely to cause flatulence) and sprinkle over some of the tots.

Then get some cheese and sprinkle over the tots

Keep layering beans and cheese and tots. You can also throw in green chilies or jalapeños or whatever.

Then bake until the cheese is melty and everything is hot

Serve with guacamole and salsa. Add some sour cream if you like that sort of thing. You’ll need a fork, which should be an expectation for any decent nachos.

This counts as health food if you don’t overthink it


Mary Ellen’s Fitness Regimen for Mind and Body Wellness but Mostly for a Hot Body

I originally planned on baking a cake for today’s post, but then realized I was two cake pans short of what I needed. Since I live in the Arctic now, I didn’t want to leave the house to get more pans. Then, I decided to post a smoothie recipe. However, Serafina clearly is spying on me and posted one before I could, and I can only appear to copy her for so long before my fans turn against me. THEN I was going to just make a post about toast BUT WOULDN’T YOU KNOW I RAN OUT OF TOAST. So here we are. 

You’re in luck because I LOVE talking about myself and my body and can’t wait to force you to look at pictures of me working out. 

Listen, the only reason for exercise is to be hot, no matter what anyone tells you. Otherwise, you’d just walk around and eat healthy. But that doesn’t make you hawt. Let’s get haute together. How many more ways can I spell haht before someone stops me?! 

The Early Bird Gets the Worm, and Booty Gains

Also make sure you get beauty sleep. At least 13 hours.

Listen, I’m not going to sugar coat this. You’re going to have to wake up to work out. And the ones that succeed in their fitness goals wake up suuuuper early. As much as I hate doing so, I drag my ass out of bed before 11:45AM. IS IT EVEN LIGHT OUT AT THAT TIME?!

Hangovers, amirite?

Hydrate and Fill Your Body with Nutrients to Carry You Through the Workout

I apologize, normally I use a cream-based infuser (it is breakfast, after all!), but I ran out.

It doesn’t have to be a huge meal, in fact I generally opt for nutrient-infused coffee. Almost like on the Keto diet, but with a slight buzz.


Running past all the haters.

Cardio is the worst, since I can’t bend my legs very well, but it’s necessary to combat the fat. I recommend running in heels for an extra boost to your calves and booty. I’m pretty sure this is how Hilaria Baldwin works out. Probably won’t fuck up your feet.

Weight Lifting

The “2” is how many hundreds I lift 😎

I know, it seems weird that I, such a delicate flower of womanhood, would even want to lift weights. I do it because I look better in a bikini. There might be other health benefits, such as stuff with your bones and shit, but meh.


One-handed, bitches!

This is what I like to call “floor work.” Push-ups, ab stuff, planks, etc. It’s boring.


This move is called, “fabulous wench.” Can’t remember the name in Sanskrit.

I fucking hate yoga, I’m just going to put that out there right now. I have no patience or attention span, but this helps with seducing people. Also, yoga pants.

So there you have it, Eggplanters. I hope this helps you get a little bit closer to being half as hot as I am.

Now pick yourself up by your bra straps and pump it up.
Mary Ellen

How to ACTUALLY Have Flawless Skin

Today’s post is a clap back (is that what kids really do these days?  Do they really clap in people’s faces?  Seems rude but I’ll try anything once) to Serafina’s latest post full of shade.  It took me MONTHS to whittle this down to less than 25,000 words so you’re welcome I guess.


But first, let me tell you why there is so much contention between my frenemy and me when it comes to skin care.


It all started with a “camping” trip.


You see, Serafina and I decided to go on a clothing optional camping trip, and she invited some men I didn’t know.  Naturally, I thought this was going to be a giant orgy, and, excitedly, packed accordingly.  This meant that I didn’t bring a bra and I also wore Brittney Spears-style glitter eye shadow the whole time.  Serafina was appalled at the fact it took me so long to “ready myself for nature” but really, you never know what kind of sexy adventures happen in the woods so I would NEVER be caught dead without a modest application of foundation and rosy cheeks.


To my shock and disappointment, no one wanted to have an orgy, but rather “grill out” and “tell campfire stories” and “fight off raccoons.”  So there I was, holding back tears so as not to smudge my ice blue eyeshadow.


It would be 20 years until we would speak again, and while my Brittney makeup is long dried up, I still have really overly complicated skin care and I definitely fucking wear makeup while camping and Serafina judges loudly.  NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE NATURALLY GLASS SKIN, OK?!


This is just my face routine, that doesn’t include makeup.  My face routine is mostly in the style of K-Beauty, while my body is all French, baby.

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Shit I forgot the shea butter


1. Cleansing

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I have no idea what’s in Softymo, but it’s speedy.

I remove my eye makeup first, and then use an oil cleanser to remove the rest of my makeup, or if I didn’t wear makeup, my SPF lotion.  I use the most gentle cleanser I can find after that.  Cetaphil is my jam on a regular basis (please sponsor me ilu).


2. Toner

The beardy old guy makes it official.

Toner is life.  So much so, I do seven layers.  I’m not kidding.  Do you hear that, Serafina? I actually fucking stand in the bathroom and do SEVEN FUCKING LAYERS OF TONER.  I’m sure she’s screaming at her computer screen right now.  Your pain feeds me.


3. Boosters

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TJ Maxx feeds my addiction 

This is the step to which Serafina was referring in my IG posts.  And just FYI, yes, the dog gets one too.

Beauty standards are unreasonable to keep up with in my family, but even the dog has to do her part.

4. Moisturizers

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I no longer use MyChelle because it causes extreme breakouts on my skin but I didn’t know that until after I wrote all this.  I no longer recommend.

Do you think you’ve already done enough to give moisture to your skin?  No, you haven’t.   It doesn’t matter if your skin is already soft and smooth. Add more.  And if there’s daylight, make sure it has SPF.


See it’s not so bad.  All this would easily fit inside a small/medium suitcase, making travel spontaneous and whimsical.


And just to prove how well this routine works, here’s a before and after picture:


Left: my first year postpartum where I didn’t care about my looks.  Right: dead and sullen eyes, but hot af and vain as hell.  



-Mary Ellen